Sometimes I wonder if I feel too much. I can miss so many
things at once. Things that happened long ago, things that haven’t even
happened yet. People I met when I was little, people I am yet to know. I can be
in one place and suddenly start missing another and wishing I was elsewhere.
But at the same time, I am in love with thousand bits and bobs as well.
I love the mountains, the city, the sea, the woods. The sound flip flops make,
the first snow, don’t even get me started on falling leaves. I am always in
love with something, if not someone, and for that my heart is the best part of
me. It sings my favorite song 24/7, starts beating fast every time I notice
something wonderful and it will always calm the storm for those who are afraid
of a little thunder.
Sorry I have been a little inconsistent with my posts lately, somehow the lack of motivation crept into my life, but hopefully I pushed past it :)
How's your summer going so far? :)