Some days, I can conquer the
world. Other days, it takes me three hours to convince myself to shower. And
that’s okay. Sometimes you just need to lie on the floor and listen to The
National for hours. I believe happiness is not something we are supposed to
feel constantly, and that it is perfectly normal to feel down sometimes. If we understood everything that was happening to us, what would be the point. But I
do believe that the root of happiness is *drum roll* gratitude. Count your
blessings and I promise your mood will lift. Slowly but drastically. A year ago
I started to write a sort of a gratitude journal (basically a list of good
things that happened to me throughout the day) and since then I have noticed a
huge difference in my attitude. Not only I am happier and I always focus on the
bright side, I also became a lot more confident, if I do say so myself :)
So if you find yourself feeling low a little too often I would highly recommend writing down things/people/songs/films/places/smells etc. you are thankful for. Train your mind to see good in every situation and eventually you will be able to see the good side of every situation.
So if you find yourself feeling low a little too often I would highly recommend writing down things/people/songs/films/places/smells etc. you are thankful for. Train your mind to see good in every situation and eventually you will be able to see the good side of every situation.
How do you deal with
Anyway, here is a quick outfit post (and many photos of flowers), hope you like it! I know my hair always looks
the same and I wish from the bottom of my heart I could pull off that messy bun
style but every time I try to rock it I just come off looking like a samurai
who has gone to war and lost. So that's that. So if you have any tips on making the messy bun look at least semi okay (or any other hair style for that matter) please leave them down below :)
There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces.
There’s too much broke to feel this
I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces.
Jaz sem ista včasih se počutim kot da je vse mogoče, čez par urc pa bum, na tleh! Ampak tako je življenje:)
Se strinjam :) xx
IzbrišiLjudje preveč obsedeni s tem, da moramo biti vedno veseli in nasmejani, ostala čustva pa jemljemo kot nekaj negativnega in nezaželjenega. Menim, da prav tako žalost, jeza, razburjenost in vse ostalo si moramo pustiti občutit in sprejeti kot del sebe ter morda se sliši čudno temveč znati uživati v tem, kdaj mi prav paše da sem v melanholičnem vzdušju na deževen dan haha :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiSicer pa super blogec bejba - followed :-)
Ohhh, kako najlepši komentar na svetu, you made my day <3 se strinjam z vsem, kar si napisala in najlepša hvala za pohvalo - pomeni še več, ko pride od takšne amazing osebe in awesome bloggerke xxx
IzbrišiSuper objava ! Prav nekaj kar sem zdaj potrebovala, med tem, ko nevem ali bi se rajši ulegla na tla in čakala na boljše dneve, ali bi pojedla goro čokolade ali pa bi se prisilila, da sem dobre volje. Prepričala si me, da naredim zadnje ! Se spomnem vsega kar sem dala v življenju že čez in, da me malenkosti ne bodo spravljale na tla :D kjut outfitek ! odličen za te dneve :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajlepša hvala <3
IzbrišiVsi imamo take dni, ko ne vemo čisto, kaj bi sami s sabo :D ampak še dobro, da vedno posije sonček :) hvala za komentar, fellow redhead x