
Best 3 weeks of my life

16. 8. 16

It all started in March, when I was feeling a little too brave and a little too lost. I saw a Facebook Ad for the Toronto Business Academy, and since this summer school was completely out of my comfort zone and made my heart beat 874030 times faster, I applied. The more the day of my departure got closer the more I panicked, but somehow I gathered my courage, packed way too much stuff, said goodbye to my friends, and headed to Toronto.

And now, three weeks later, I can't even begin to describe how amazing my journey was. I met the most wonderful people, almost died laughing every day, ate amazing food, had a chance to live in my new favorite city. I've had the time of my life, learnt so much, gained a new perspective on life. I kind of wish I could get stuck in a Universe where these three weeks repeat themselves over and over again.

I learnt that all those motivational quotes about getting out of your comfort zone is the best thing ever are actually true. And for all my new favorite people: it's not a goodbye, it's see you later. <3

Toronto, you were GOLDEN.



2 komentarja:

  1. Oooo, bravo! Ful sem vesela, da si imela top izkušnjo. Čudovite fotke!

    1. Najlepša hvala <3 in me zelo zelo veseli, da so ti všeč sličice :)


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