
WORDS // sonder

30. 7. 17

sonder (n.) - the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

I usually get this feeling at airports. When everyone's in a rush, catching flights, going to their loved ones, leaving their loved ones. Going away to make new memories, leaving behind the old ones. What's the story of that girl sitting by the window? What's her name? What's she going through? What makes her feel alive? Or that man, waiting for his coffee. Is he returning home to his wife? Or is he going home to an empty apartment? What if the person I see sitting in seat 38 A could have been my closest friend if the circumstances were different and I could have meet them? To me, it’s incredible. That we are all wrapped in countless stories and that there's so much more to us than what we let passersby see. If you think about it, how many strangers have taken photos with you in the background? When you are crossing a busy road, cycling by or talking on the phone. How many strangers appear in your photos? And you’ll never know their triumphs, failures, what makes them smile.

What do you think about the word sonder? Do you ever think about other people’s stories?

High tides & good vibes

18. 7. 17

I am currently soaking up the sun and relaxing on Croatian coast, but I couldn't resist posting a couple of photos from last days. My days consist of going to the beach, eating delicious food, taking photos of oleanders, and cuddling with my bf. Even though I am having so much fun, I can't help but think about all the amazing projects I am yet to work on and sometimes I can't help but rejoice at the thought of autumn being around the corner. 

How's your summer going? Hopefully you're all having an amazing time as well.


11. 7. 17

The past Sunday my bf decided to take me on a surprise trip and you can't even imagine how excited I was to see where he would take me. Even though I had a couple of possible destinations in mind, I never expected to visit such beautiful places. Firstly, we stopped at the Fusine Lakes (near Tarvisio). I am talking about two stunning emerald lakes that are separated by forest paths and are guaranteed to take your breath away. It felt so good to run from Ljubljana's heat and enjoy a cooler climate while taking in exceptional views and wandering through the forest. 
We also drove to the Predil Lake, where the temperatures were a bit higher but the nature was equally beautiful. The lake is surrounded by mountains and peaks and presents a perfect getaway for sunny weekends, when the city heat becomes unbearable. The water was quite cold but that didn't stop us from dipping our feet in. Anyway, if you are searching for a little weekend trip I highly suggest driving to these lakes, where you can have a picnic and recharge your batteries for the week ahead.

Feeling green

4. 7. 17

Oh my, this year is flowing by like it's on caffeine. Can you believe it's July already? Well I certainly can't. We have officially entered the second half of the year and I still can't believe we are even in 2017! 
Anyway, do you guys have any plans for the summer? Mine is probably going to consist of getting my life in order and exploring new possibilities and options. Too often, people (including me) think that they should be doing what everyone else is doing and do the worst thing of all: compare to others. Comparing yourself to others is toxic (please tell me I am not the only one that sees Britney Spears dancing around aircraft cabin when using this word), and you should plan to outdo your past, not other people.
I know that life is not all rainbows and unicorns, but we shouldn't take it too seriously as well. Sometimes I think it could be possible that our universe is in a tiny glass jar placed neatly on a shelf in some alien's room as a science project he got a C on. All jokes aside - all I am trying to say is that we should make the best of this summer because days are flying by and the least we can do is create amazing memories.

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