Morii (n.) – the
desire to capture a fleeting experience
A couple of months ago we attended a Coldplay concert. During the concert, I couldn't help myself and recorded about a million videos and took just as many photos. When Fix you came on, it was magical. I was just about to hit the button to start recording again and then my boyfriend said to me (well something along these lines): You are watching the whole show through your phone, don't forget to enjoy it in real life. And he was so right.
I was too busy capturing the atmosphere, when in reality, I should be there. Feeling it. Enjoying it. It got me thinking - how many times will I actually watch those videos I took? And I knew the answer. I will import them on my computer and forget about them. But I just had to have memories of that special night in hopes of making it last longer.
We live our lives in moments. And moments pass. So we try to capture them, to catch them. To do anything to remember them. And convert them into anything that will last longer. We can travel the world, looking for new memories and adventures and still find ourselves standing behind the camera, looking through the lens. Trying to take the perfect capture. The perfect photo. So we can show it to our friends and family. And still say ''Oh, I guess you had to be there.''
Ta mobilni svet nas je čisto okupiral.:) Upam, da si uživala na koncertu in da ti bo ostal v lepem spominu.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je, ja. Sem pa vseeno zelo zelo uživala, ja. Coldplayi res naredijo show in pol - priporočam zelo! :)