

7. 8. 17

And here we are. Drifting into the last summer month, when the evening light gets a little bit more orange and the leaves start getting just a little bit more yellow. I can't believe this year is flying by so fast. It seems like yesterday when I was taking photos of blooming trees and now I am already thinking about cardigans and sweaters (despite the current heatwave). I feel like autumn brings out the old soul in me. I start getting excited about making apple pies, black tea and rainy nights. Gosh, sometimes I am 80 sometimes I am 8 and there's no in between. 

So far, this year has been like no other. The first thing that pops into my mind is, of course, visiting the US and seeing its natural wonders and paved roads. I think I also grew a lot. I'm still learning not to take some things too personally and discovering things I have to work on. On the other hand, I realized what my strengths are and what makes me me. Overall, the most important thing I learnt is that failure is necessary. It brings you one step closer to fulfilling your dreams, challenges you to create new ones and opens new doors. Don't fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today. 

In the blink of an eye, summer will collapse into autumn and ice creams will turn into chai lattes. Time is passing and we can't catch it, no matter how hard we try. The only thing we can do is live in the moment and enjoy every second of it.

4 komentarji:

  1. Krasna si Eva, sproščena, nasmejana. Jaz obožujem take simpl bele majčke, če so malo preveliko še bolje, si jo zatlačim v pas obujem teniske in sem ready:), p.s uživaj življenje še naprej. P.s hvala za komentarček na mojem blogu, sem ti odgovorila nekaj nazaj glede šminkice:).

    1. Najlepša hvala, Monika :) bele majčke so res najboljše, se popolnoma strinjam! Pa še na vse pašejo :) hvala za lep komentar, grem zdaj prečekirat novičke o šminki :)

  2. Got me very excited for autumn. :-) Hope to see you soon! <3


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